The Stages of the Durational Performance Angst 2011-2014

My bare breasted practice can be seen as a hero's journey (Monomyth) by Joseph Campbell (1949). My heroine starts a dangerous journey from Tartu to Karepa but arrives to the yellow entertainment world instead.

Campbell has received some criticism due to his male centered approach. Woman is not a hero in his Monomyth but rather negative seducer or a goddess who distracts a male hero from his goal. If I am trying to fit a heroine into the hero's mold, I feel I should redesign the mold. The structure of the journey is too restricted. It is depicted as a closed circle with fixed points.

  1. 2011. Walk from Tartu to Karepa in difficult weather conditions. Goal is to test the reactions to bare breasted female body and to test my physical abilities. This is a woman on the battleground but her battle is lost already.

  2. 2011-2014. Capitalist society turns a female body into commodity. Entertainment pages publish news about her even during her art-free year (2012-2013).

"A Celebrity Feminist Found Bear's Poo from the Forest "

3. 2014. Female body is in the shopping cart. Let's remember Barbara Kruger's collage „Your Body is a Battleground” (1989). The battle continues.

4. 2014. Female bare breasted body makes a chocking appearance in the largest entertainment media party (Kroonika party) of Estonia and poses on the photos with the entertainment superstar Anu Saagim. What happens if the female body exploited by media invades into the heart of the entertainment world? Party organizers said they didn't need this kind of advertisment but the happening was covered anyway by many media channels.

"PHOTOS! Stripper Marco's girlfriend doesn't know the limits: the lady bared her breasts in Kroonika's glamour party! (Forbidden under 18!)

5. The hero in Campbell's scema becomes the master of the two worlds: he is successful in the material and also in the spiritual world. My heroine seems unfit for either of the worlds and in that unpredictability she could cause angst and fear.
