Feminine Intuition

June 2007

Feminine Intuition was my Master degree project at Estonian Academy of Arts. I defended it WITH HONORS. The project included theoretical, empirical and creative parts. I explored from radical feminist position, how certain expressions, like feminine intuition come to language and stay there. Here I include some photos of the creative work. The first one is a scema, comparing the tires' and cellulite's structure. Surprisingly it turns out to be very similar.

Read more: summary.

Watch video "Feminine Intuition" (lenght 0:18:30). This video was projected on the pig's lard.

Appearances of "Feminine Intuition" in the world

2008 My master project travelled to China Guangzhou where it was re-installed for exhibition of Estonian contemporary art "Piiririik" (Border State).

2007 I was invited to the conference GENDER STUDIES IN BALTIC STATES REGION in Vilnius University, Kaunas Faculty for Humanities, Lithuania.


2009 Lithuanian scientific journal "Gender Studies and Research".

2008 Cataloque of exhibition of Estonian contemporary art "Piiririik" (Border State).


tires and lard compared


Comparison of tires and cellulite


nailing lard


I am nailing the pig's lard on the screen




The installation in KUMU Art Museum is ready




My mum is watching the video


video on pig's lard


Video on the pig's lard


video on pig's lard


Video on the pig's lard




Close up of tires

