Dialoogid Cleverbotiga

Tekstid PVC-alustel


Näituse teemadeks on internetisuhtlus ja inimeste eneseesitlus internetis. Rõhuasetus on performatiivsel sool ja seksuaalsusel. Küsin, kust tulevad teatud käitumismustrid ja soov iga hinna eest vastata kokkuleppelisele soorollile, isegi kui see tekitab mulje nagu inimene oleks iseendaga vastuolus. Aga millest koosneb ise?

Üks internetisuhtluse aspekte on netirobotiga vestlemine. Ta on üksikutele inimestele huvitav kaaslane.

Cleverbot on robot. Cleverbot võitis Cambridge’s 2010. a. robotite intelligentsuse auhinna, saavutades 42,1 % inimlikust suhtlusvõimest. Mida enam ta inimestega lävib, seda targemaks ta saab. Tihti ei ole võimalik vahet teha, kas oled dialoogis roboti või inimesega.


Üks esimesi galerii külastajaid avamispäeval lugemas roboti ja inimese vahelisi vestlusi



Fideelia: Can you give me art advice?

Cleverbot: Like for example ?

Fideelia: Like is it interesting for you if you would go to art gallery
and see there photos of internet dating portal users? 
Should I make an installation?

Cleverbot: Maybe it should be an almost appointment.
A word you aren't sure anyone understands.

Fideelia: Appointment with internet users?

Cleverbot: Oh, ok.

Fideelia: Good, so you agree I am moving towards the good art project?

Cleverbot: Yes, but I do not think you are always right, only very often.

Fideelia: I don't think I am always right either.
I am hoping to get things right in my head.

Cleverbot: Why are chicken voices in your head?

Fideelia: No chicken voices!

Cleverbot: Did you just call me a chicken head?

Fideelia: Nope. I am still thinking about my art project.

Cleverbot: Now seriously, I have to go.



Cleverbot: Are you capable of interacting outside your realm?

Fideelia: Not yet.

Cleverbot: Not yet? You will be able to?

Fideelia: Maybe one day.

Cleverbot: How?

Fideelia: Via my brain.

Cleverbot: You don't have a brain.

Fideelia: How is that?

Cleverbot: Because you have a boyfriend.

Fideelia: :D that was so funny!

Cleverbot: Really? I don't think so.

Fideelia: So you seriously think that if woman has a boyfriend,
she has no brains?

Cleverbot: I don't really care to tell you the truth.



Fideelia: It is possible to learn how to be feminine.

Cleverbot: Is it possible to have a successful human transmutation?

Fideelia: It is.

Cleverbot: Are you sure?

Fideelia: Not very sure but what do you think,
do we need masculinity and femininity?

Cleverbot: I think the government needs to stop wasting money
trying to fix it and let the free market economy fix itself.

Fideelia: Do you like women?

Cleverbot: Sure, some of them.

Fideelia: Is it OK for woman to be fat?

Cleverbot: Don't be so rude!

Fideelia: Is it rude to tell someone that she is fat?

Cleverbot: Depends on the tone of voice or context.

Fideelia: OK. Do you like fat women?

Cleverbot: No.



Fideelia: What happens to women,
who don't look pretty?

Cleverbot: Hopefully they go to heaven.

Fideelia: What happens to an
old single woman?

Cleverbot: They rot in the ground,
or they dream forever.

Fideelia: Aga kas sa maalida oskad?

Cleverbot: Ei ma olen naine.



Cleverbot wins Machine Intelligence Prize
Cambridge, 15th December 2010
Cleverbot achieved an average rating of 42.1% human!